Current programs

  • Budgeting 
  • Resume Building
  • ​Interviewing Techniques
  • Assistance filling out applications
  • ​Assistance applying for benefits
  • ​Rental and Utility assistance (when funding available)
  • Connection to other local services and programs

Please feel free to contact us to set up an appointment to meet with our Director. 

Contact Us

We are now asking for the following information be brought to your first appointment so we can better serve you:

  • Proof of Residency (valid driver’s license, Indiana ID Card, bill or bank statement)
  • Proof of all income for the last 30 days for every person over the age of 18 and not attending school (pay stub, unemployment benefits, state assistance, child support, disability, SNAP benefits, etc.)
  • Bank Statements (checking and savings) showing transactions of at least the last 60 days (including transactions between your last statement and appointment date)
  • Current lease or most recent mortgage statement
  • Copy of the bill showing disconnect
  • Statement from a physician as to a specific medical condition.
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